Okay so I am finally ready to share some things about Book Three! I’m stealing yet another idea from a fellow blogger (A.E. Browne and Rachel Also Writes): Character interviews!!! However, I’m going about it a little differently. So periodically I’m going to post interviews by different character while I write book three. I have to be very selective so I don’t spoil anything for new readers and those waiting for books three. While this is extremely tricky, this will also be super fun. First up is Zuri (and was it a doozy). Here is a little back ground for those new to the Guardian Trilogy:


Zurina is introduced in book two (Darkness Comes At Dawn). She’s a super spunky witch who loves hard and plays harder. She was one of the first people Katie felt 100% herself around after her long recovery to her new self in book two. Now…Zuri has been through a few things since her super sparkly debut even I don’t know who she is anymore.

*cue interview*

Looking at Zuri now, I don’t recognize her. She isn’t who I wrote. The little silver-haired imp that glittered from the inside out is gone. I mean, I knew there was always something deep down that she didn’t let me see…but now she’s baring it all.

I clear my throat. I’m not sure she even knows I’m sitting across from her—and it’s been 10 minutes since I walked through the door. I haven’t even introduced myself yet…

She looks up but offers no words. God…that black, jagged hair makes her look gaunt.

“Hi.” I’ve got a million questions to ask her but I can’t bring myself to look into her eyes and pretend I don’t know she’s been broken into a million little pieces.

“You want to know how it ends don’t you?” she looks into me.


“I know who you are. You think just because you’re the recorder of it all it wont effect you. You think this isn’t real.” She tilts her head and there is a glint in her eyes. I recognize it. This isn’t her. It’s him—the one she’s been running from her entire life. The one her mother passed on to her.

“Zuri.” A part of me wants to bring her back to the script I’ve already got planned out. But she’s right—I do want to know. “Tell me.”

A smile creeps over her face and I’ve never seen her look so hateful. “It ends with everyone hating you for what you’ve done. For what you’ve made us. For what you’ve taken away. You think you just write the truth—but we both know you aren’t capable of such selflessness.”

I sit back into my chair. She’s toying with me. “Is this you speaking or him?” I ask knowing I’m toeing a line. We aren’t supposed to speak of him. It’s worse than pulling out a Ouija board in a house during an exorcism.

“What’s the difference?” she smiles. It’s him.

I shouldn’t be here. This was a bad idea.

“No—you shouldn’t be. You should have left it alone a long time a ago. But you didn’t. You tapped away at your little keyboard and you’ve killed people. Destroyed people. Destroyed me. And for what? Fame? Fortune? To cure your loneliness?”

I start packing my things. I’ve got to get out of this house. I can feel the cold creeping in on me and Zuri’s voice is starting to drip with a smoothness that belongs in another world. A world I’m too familiar with. A world that doesn’t belong here. This is impossible.

I stop when I her hand clamps over my arm. I’m prepared to punch her and run like hell—until I look into her eyes. It’s her. It’s Zuri.

“Don’t come back. Don’t write it.” Her big eyes are full of panic and clarity. “Please. Just leave it alone. Please.”

I can’t control my breathing. Her nails are starting to dig into my skin and—looking into her eyes now I know she does know the ending. What have I done?

She sucks in a breath. “Run.”

I grab my shit and run. What have I done?

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s WIPpet Wednesday!


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